INCI: Helianthus annuus seed oil (and) Hedera Helix leaf Extract
Hedera helix extract is an emollient that keeps products blended together and is a moisturizer that helps keep the skin soft. It is a common ingredient in dozens of cosmetic and personal care products, such as skin conditioners, hair conditioner, astringent, and antidandruff products.
Ivy -lipid extract is rich in saponins known for their lipolytic and anti-inflammatory action, as well as sterols, polyalkanes, flavonols, glycosides, tannins and carotene.
Terpenoid saponins (hederasaponins A and B, or B and C), which undergo partial hydrolysis to form Terpenoid saponins (hederasaponins A and B, or B and C), have been isolated from Hedera leaves.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent in case of pain and inflammation. The plant significantly reduced the oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory and rheumatoid biomarkers in CFA-induced arthritis. Also, it had potent significant in vitro anti-arthritic activity.
Ivy has also been shown to improve asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and coughs, in part because its saponins help prevent the spasm of muscles in the bronchial area.
Though hedera helix extract is often used in various ingestible formulations, we use it in several of our products as a moisturizer and astringent.[12] Whole Foods has deemed the ingredient acceptable in its body care quality standards.
Research finds that the extract can also inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli.
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